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Studies in California
Studies in California
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Studies in California

California, the Golden state is the third area, the most populated and wealthy state in the United States with a subtropical climate located on the West coast of the country, the Pacific ocean, a Paradise for billionaires, entrepreneurs, creative people, hippies, surfers and, of course, students.

The national composition of the population of California is very diverse, the absolute ethnic majority is absent. That is why the life and study in California — a huge experience, including familiarity with different cultures, languages, obtaining a variety of knowledge and endless recreational options and leisure activities.

In California, about 300 educational institutions that are entitled to award degrees of associate, bachelor, master, PhD. In universities teaching programmes at the undergraduate level and above, are trained over a million students. To study in California comes a lot of foreign students, most of whom were from India, Japan, Korea, China and Canada.

The education system of California

The system of education in California lies with the General plan of development of higher education in California, California Master Plan for Higher Education, adopted in the 60-ies of XX century it was he who made the system of education in the Golden state one of the most successful in the country and the world. Subsequently, the experience of California was adopted by many other States.

Owing to the General plan has been simplified the access of local students to state higher education, has significantly improved the quality and diversity of the programs and turned the universities have United in large, distributed network, managed from a single center. Many students-residents of the state learn in the best California state universities for free or for a small fee.

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An important role in the system of education in California designated private schools — how huge and powerful and very small. Private universities are developing their own methods and standards, support the idea of the master plan on the wide selection and variety of options in higher education which should provide opportunities for the overall development of students.

Both private and public universities in California are accredited by the authorized state agencies.

Universities California

The first step to higher education in California are community colleges — educational institutions providing professional education or pass the program the first two years of a bachelor degree.

California's 113 community colleges annually are trained more than 1.7 million students. Best of them receive guaranteed places in the public universities in California if you want to study and get a bachelor's degree. This system is called transfer — transfer from one University to another. Foreign students can also attend community colleges and it is a good way to reduce fees.

Bachelor's, master's and PhD American and foreign students can obtain in public and private colleges and universities in California. Many of them have excellent scientific and academic reputation and occupy high positions in the leading world rankings.

On the scale of California higher education says the fact that only two of the largest state universities in California annually has nearly 700 thousand students.

The most notable state universities of California

California State University, California State University is the largest public University in the United States, consisting of 23 campuses and 8 research and educational centers. The University annually receives about 460 thousand students, offers programs in all subject areas and annually appropriates about half of all baccalaureate degrees in California, about one-third of master's and only about 2% a doctorate.

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Due to the limited number of postgraduate programs and scope of ongoing research University is not present in the world rankings and only some of its campuses that can confer Ph. D. degree, involved in the national ranking of universities in the U.S. edition of US News. These campuses — San Diego State, Fresno State, San Francisco State and Cal State Fullerton.

University of California, University of California consists of 10 campuses, which enrolled a total of about 250 thousand students. This is one of the most powerful public universities in the U.S. offering programs in all subject areas at all levels of higher education, from undergraduate to graduate school.

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The University carries out active research work: for all time of its existence within its walls have studied or worked 62 Nobel laureate. The University of California campuses participate in the leading global ratings individually (!) and occupy a very good position. So, in the QS 2016/17 three campuses — University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Los Angeles, University of California, San Diego — took up positions in the interval No. 28-40, the University of California at Davis, entered in the top hundred, 4 University of California, Santa Barbara, University of California, Irvine, University of California, riverside, University of California, Santa Cruz — entered the top-300.

The most notable private universities of California

Stanford University is the third richest University on the planet, occupying 2nd place in the ranking of QS 2016/17.

Stanford is an elite University, with a wide choice of subjects and programmes, among which especially distinguished programs in entrepreneurship and computer science. In addition to powerful research activities the University pays close attention to the application of the obtained theoretical knowledge in practice.

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The University is located in the heart of Silicon valley — no wonder he has very close ties with leading corporations that are located here, many top managers which graduated from it.

California Institute of technology, the famous Caltech, No. 5 in the ranking of QS 2016/17, among the teachers and graduates of which 31 Nobel prize winner, and winner of numerous other prestigious awards.

In addition to the traditional technical subjects Caltech offers a significant number of interdisciplinary programs. In high school encouraged team work as homework assignments and on a large-scale research and applied projects.

At Caltech offers a business incubator and is an active implementation of the fundamental scientific developments of its walls came a lot of well-known companies and revolutionary technologies.

University of southern California, University of Southern California (136th place in the QS 2016/17) is the oldest private research University in California, which is actively developing the interdisciplinary research and international cooperation. The University has one of the largest in US funds donations and the largest scientific library.

All of these universities have broad academic expertise, working in a wide range of subject areas and are active in research activities - to get to the world University rankings, including QS is impossible.

Only California employs more than 130 different private universities: some are branches of large universities in other States, others are highly specialized small independent educational institutions, and others teach only graduate students. We can say that the objectives of higher education set by the Ministry of education of the state attained — today, California offers students the maximum variety and quality learning.

What to study in California items, the cost of education

The major sectors of the economy — agriculture, aerospace industry, extraction and processing of oil, show business, information technology.

Programs offered by the universities of California in these industries are of high quality and have gained international recognition. Consider the ones, training on which can be the most interesting and promising for students from Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries.

Programs in the field of cinematography, theatre, TV

California is world renowned dream factory in Hollywood. No wonder that in Los Angeles, in the vicinity of the largest TV studios and film industries are two of the three largest film schools of California film School at the University of southern California School of theater, film and television , University of California at Los Angeles.

Here are the real stars — the most powerful in the world, experts in their fields, theorists and practitioners, holders of prestigious awards.

Another prestigious California film school, which is part of the University of California at Berkeley, focuses more on theoretical and historical aspects.

The tuition at film schools in California, year:

Technical, engineering, IT

In California is the so-called Silicon valley region, where the headquarters of the largest companies in the world working in the field of information technology.

In the ranking of engineering schools US News 2018, four of the University of California takes pride 2-4 place, losing the championship only MIT.

The cost of training, engineering schools California, year:

Of course, a number of interesting subject areas in the universities of California is not confined to the listing — here you can find a program for any items and to collect your study plan so that it meets personal and career interests of the student.

As can be seen in the presented lists, the cost of education some universities vary significantly. So the choice is in California, there really is — including the question of tuition fees.

Admission to universities of California

Admission requirements depend on the University. If Stanford receives only about 7%, Caltech 8 %, and in the University of southern California — 16 % California state University — 17 % of students who applied, it is immediately clear that admission requirements are very high.

Profile of a student admitted to Stanford University in 2017:

  • About 60% admitted to this University for the first higher had a GPA of 4.0+, the rest are below 3.7 out of 4.
  • About 70 % of students passed the SAT to 1800+ points in three sections (reading, math, writing) or ACT by 30-36 points.
  • Minimum requirements for TOEFL iBT was 100+ points, IELTS 7.0.

About IELTS, TOEFL and other tests for admission and study

Profile of the entrant, submitted in 2018 at the University of California-Berkeley, looks like this:

  • GPA 4.12-4.30;
  • SAT 1940+ points in three sections
  • ACT 30-34 points;
  • TOEFL iBT 80+ points.

Fairly high demands on students and California state University — students from Russia, most likely, will require an additional year of training in programs of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, A-Level or similar.

How to apply for bachelor degree in USA

How to enter the master degree USA

The admissions Committee of the University of southern California pays close attention to not only high scores and scores for standardized tests, and extracurricular activities of students, for a detailed account about which Application Form of the University allocated a special section consisting of an essay and questions. In addition, before making a final decision about admission University mandatory interviews with the student — personal or online.

At receipt on creative specialties, you need to prepare high-quality portfolio. About the secrets to creating a portfolio at receipt on creative specialties, click here.

Applications for admission to universities of California can be submitted through a centralized CA, UCA, a Coalition Application or through the websites of universities. Detailed information on the content and manner of submitting the universities report on their websites, under Admissions.

How do I apply for undergraduate in the US on the Common Application, CA

UCA - application system in a prestigious US universities

Also universities, consisting of several campuses, in many cases, have their own centralized system of enrollment. The campuses can operate on different academic calendars, which affects the deadlines for submitting applications — this requires very careful attention.

Than student in California doing in your spare time

According to Forbes, and Phoenix Marketing International for 2016 in California live 124 billionaire and more than 772 thousand millionaires. Who else but they are able not only to work hard and to appreciate the time of your stay. Why do you think they chose their place of residence is California?

Of course, most students do not (yet) billionaires, but in the rich and populous state of the United States of recreational opportunities are almost limitless for all. So you can be sure in their spare time, students at California universities, for sure, never a dull moment.

Diverse nature of the Golden state — the ocean and mountains, forests and lakes and even the desert offers lots of possibilities for excursions, sports, tourism and active recreation.

The most famous natural features of California include: Yosemite national Park, nature and parks in mill valley, La JOLLA, Sequoia national Park with a unique giant trees, picturesque mountains of the Eastern Sierras, lake Tahoe, the Earth's largest volcano with a lava cone of Lassen Peak, national Park Joshua tree in the desert in the South-East of the state, a favorite place of climbers, and death Valley is one of the hottest places on the planet.

In the cities of California students also will find an incredible number of attractions — Hollywood walk of fame, Disneyland and Legoland in Los Angeles; the Golden gate Bridge, colorful Fisherman's Wharf and the cable cars in San Francisco; a Grand Railway Museum, historic lighthouse with a height which offers stunning views of the city, the California state Capitol and many parks in the state capital, Sacramento.

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