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How to choose a program in high school USA

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the flexibility of the program getting practice Entry requirements related articles

A program of American universities varied: there are courses with more and less freedom of choice of subjects, with the passing of work practice and with the opportunity to spend a semester in another country.

Below are the main selection criteria of the programs of the U.S. universities that will help you to choose the course that suits you.

CRITERION 1: Specialization and flexibility program

American education undergraduate program offers a very flexible approach to recruitment of subjects. The specialty you eventually graduate, called major. Many students have the opportunity to choose a secondary specialization, minor, which may either complement a major or to treat a completely unrelated field. In fact, each student generates an individual study programme and include in it the required number of courses in their specialty.

In most major universities, you need to choose at the end of the second year, but some programs prefer the earlier specialized, and others do not give you this option, giving a broad education, for example, in the Humanities and social Sciences. The programs of different universities in the same specialty can vary as the degree of structure, and content items, you need to study to get a diploma.

Which is closer to you?

CRITERION 2: the practice

More than 60% of our users say that getting internships during and after graduation - one of the key indicators of the choice of course for study abroad.

To check whether the program of an American University to provide you with the desired practice, as follows:

Come to the program with practical module

In the description of some of the programs listed practical module, that is, the opportunity or requirement to do an internship, specialty training and time with the support of the University. For some professions (e.g., medicine, engineering) this opportunity more critical than for others, and lack of practical module may indicate a superficial approach to education for this program.

Make sure that the teachers of the course - the practice

Learning from a teacher with experience and connections outside the Academy, can help you not only gain new knowledge but also to apply for an internship. Please check in the universities, who will you be teaching and what these teachers experience.

To know what practical projects do students

As a rule, on the website of the University or his representatives can find out what projects students programs that interest you, and at what stage they have the opportunity to be involved. Coursework and diplomas, written on the basis of material collected in the real sector, can help the student to gain practical experience and useful connections.

The duties of American universities include communication with Russian-speaking students. So do not hesitate to ask directlyhow the program to which you plan to do will help you to gain practical experience.

CRITERION 3: admission requirements and complexity of the study

If you come to the program with high entrance requirements, be prepared for the fact that the study will also be very demanding. If your level of English proficiency is not high enough, the examinations can be difficult, especially in the 1st semester.

We always support those who strive to achieve high and go to the most highly rated University, with an account of their performance and budget. At the same time each year, we solved the complexity of the Russian-speaking students who, unable to cope with the session, failed to advance to the next course in the American University.