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Student testimonials about studying in USA

In this section you can read interviews with students who are fortunate enough to receive a higher education in the United States.

You will learn all about how Russian students have to say about life in America, about the peculiarities of studying in the United States, whether the student to get internship in American companies and why education in the US is considered prestigious. Russian students also talk about the extra-curricular life or campuses across the country and about the features of their chosen programs. Learn all about studying in America from the horse's mouth!


Aydar about life in the United States and obtain their degree at the University of Toledo

Aydar about life in the United States and obtain their degree at the University of Toledo

Aydar recently received his PhD in chemistry at the American University of Toledo. Read more about research, life in Ohio and the most vivi...


Ildar about moving to the US and study at University of Toledo

Ildar about moving to the US and study at University of Toledo

Ildar, 3rd year student of the University of Toledo, shares impressions of studying and living in the USA, and gives advice on how to go to...


Student at new York's Berkeley College about internship at Prada

Student at new York's Berkeley College about internship at Prada

A graduate of Berkeley College Sarah Ghandour from Lebanon shares an unforgettable internship experience in the heart of the fashion capita...


Northeastern Empower success stories of students

Northeastern Empower success stories of students

Northeastern students change their lives and the world for the better through education. Read some inspiring stories of graduates from top ...


Never do this abroad: tips for students

Never do this abroad: tips for students

The students share their serious and humorous tips on what to avoid as a student abroad


Alsu from Kazan on obtaining athletic scholarships and learning at Eastern Michigan University

Alsu from Kazan on obtaining athletic scholarships and learning at Eastern Michigan University

Alsu from Kazan talks about the experience of living in the US and about the specific training of student-athletes.


Opinion about studying at Northeastern University and lives in Boston

Opinion about studying at Northeastern University and lives in Boston

Ekaterina from Kiev, told about the study at a prestigious Northeastern University and lives in the United States


A graduate of Moscow state University about studying in the Moscow state University and PhD at Stanford Business School

A graduate of Moscow state University about studying in the Moscow state University and PhD at Stanford Business School

Dmitry talks about his learning experience at the faculty of Economics at MSU, and Stanford, and shares his thoughts on the Economics