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The University of Toledo through the students eyes
The University of Toledo through the students eyes
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The University of Toledo through the students eyes

The University of Toledo is one of 27 research universities, which include prestigious faculties of applied professions. In Toledo teaches a number of practical disciplines — from medicine to law, from pharmacology to nursing, from engineering Sciences to business. Students gain valuable skills that help them succeed in various industries.

What are the benefits to students of the University of Toledo?

Professional development, thanks to the application of specialization and a wide range of courses

Great choice of subjects at the University of Toledo allows students to create their own curriculum in accordance with their interests.

Jan Habina, University of Ukraine, transferred to the University of Toledo with financial degree in Ukrainian University. The girl plans to stick to the chosen direction of study. "Rich choice of courses in the Faculty of Business and Innovation, I discovered another specialty which had not interested accounts," says Ian. "After having completed several courses in accounting, I decided to add it to a diploma as an additional specialization".

The University of Toledo in addition to applications, offers a number of Humanities disciplines. This allows students to broaden their horizons and get more Humanities specialty. Programs in visual art, theater and cinema are available as additional options to basic education (minors). Students from technical disciplines can take classes on art.

The opportunity to find new friends with common interests

Participating in student activities, students of the University of Toledo reveal new talents and interests and of course make real friends, like it happened with Jana.

"I was lucky to get varsity athletics," says the girl. "This is one of the best decisions of my life. I just found people with common interests — on the track we have a real family. I am very glad that the University pays attention not only academic issues but also helps to create interest groups through which we become one big family".

Companionship with world famous teachers

Ask students to describe Toledo classes at the University and they tell about what Jose Viloria: "the University of Toledo I was very surprised how friendly and easy to communicate were our teachers."

Why is this a surprise? Because outstanding and internationally recognized specialists are taught not only courses in masters and PhD level, but also conduct classes at the undergraduate level. Communication with such Vladimi often plays a crucial role in the academic fate of students.

The opportunity to discover new things and achieve new goals

Often, students change their chosen specialty for while studying at University.

The transition to another program is often time-consuming process, especially if it has to transfer to another University. The students of the University of Toledo was more fortunate, they can get a new profession without leaving their Alma mater.

One of the students benefiting from this opportunity, became Dhaval Bhakta. "I changed his major two times," he admits with a laugh. "Initially, I entered the medical and wanted to become a doctor. But then I found out that I need to study for 14 years, and immediately transferred into management in the health sector".

Dhavala lucky and he didn't have to transfer to another University to change their major, because the University of Toledo offers a number of programs in the field of medicine and healthcare.

A similar story we were told and josé Viloria. "I entered the program in electrical engineering with a minor in business. A year and a half I have entered into many student organizations related to business, including the famous "Pi Sigma Epsilon". Because of this, I learned a lot about the world of business and fell in love with this industry. After a couple of meetings with the supervisor and career Advisor of the University, I decided to transfer to the Faculty of Business and Innovation and to choose a program with dual specialization in Informatics and management".

Was it difficult to do? "No, it took less than half an hour in the office of the supervisor. She also advised me on what subjects I need to choose to gain the necessary number of credits and time to degree. Whatever your specialty — business, technical science or music — the staff of the University of Toledo will not give you a waste of time and money."

Leadership development through student organizations and programs

Jose is actively involved in the activities of student associations, which helped him to develop leadership skills. "I always say that it is important to find something for everyone on campus to discover new interests and talents. I was always fascinated by how many different cultures studying at the University of Toledo, and one of the student organizations helped me find my calling. I headed the Association of Foreign Students (International Students Association) that allowed me to become a cultural Ambassador of my home country, Venezuela".

To leadership skills can even freshmen. From the beginning of training Dhaval advocated for inclusive education. As a result, he was elected Ambassador of Inclusive Education. "I have entrusted the presence in the kickoff meeting, the Dean of the University, although it was an exclusive event for presidents of student associations," he admits. Today Dhaval acts as an intermediary when solving conflicts between students and also dreams of becoming the President of the Association of Foreign Students. "The atmosphere here is just amazing. That's why I chose this University. In India I met with several students from Toledo and immediately realized that this University is worth it!".

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