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Graduate business school Aston University shared how the University received the skills and knowledge helped him to set up business
Graduate business school Aston University shared how the University received the skills and knowledge helped him to set up business
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Graduate business school Aston University shared how the University received the skills and knowledge helped him to set up business

Finalist of the British show "The Apprentice", Nick Holzherr, announced the deal concluded with the German online-platform food. Holzer nick graduated from Aston University in 2009 and is the Creator of applications for food, which is used by many large chain supermarkets.

App Whisk is used the largest networks of supermarkets and facilitates the search and purchase ingredients to various recipes. This year, the company merged with its European rival, Avocando that provide similar services in Germany, Austria and other European countries. The application supports more than 600,000 recipes, a monthly audience makes more than 20 million users. The merger of the two companies are planning to increase their impact on the international market.

CEO "Whisk" Nick Holzherr graduated from the bachelor program "International Business and Modern Languages" Aston University and participated in the eighth season of the popular show on BBC.

In an interview, he told the following: "Thanks this transaction, the company's position this year was strengthened, which makes us very happy. The volume food you buy over the Internet in Europe is growing, thanks what the growing popularity of Whisk and Avocando". Whisk was founded in 2012-the year and for the next two years, put together investments for a total amount of $2 million In the company remotely has 22 employees. Partners application are the larger chains like Amazon, Walmart, Tesco and Asda, and the total number user operations up to 100 million per month.

Previously Nick has expressed thanks to Aston University for the acquired skills and experience in the field enterprise: "For the years of study at Aston I've got a lot of skills in the business sector — from Finance to contract law and marketing. That is the General understanding of the principles the operation of the enterprise generated by the University, helped me create a successful business. Student community, in which I participated and which helped to create have become an important part of my training. I was one of the creators of "SIFE" (Students and Private Entrepreneurship) — areas where groups of 20-30 students implemented public projects. For example, telling patients at Birmingham Children's Hospital about entrepreneurship or have worked with homeless people in the region. I was left with a warm memories of training at the University of Aston. The knowledge gained here was very useful, I use them daily."

One of the priorities of the business school of Aston University is to introduce students to the real world of business using best practice projects and internships. Here are some examples of unique opportunities for the students of the University:

Business clinic University Of Aston

In 2018-2019 school year the University begins work on business-clinic. In her enterprise small and medium businesses can obtain advice on various issues related to activities of the company. Consultations at the clinic will be conducted by volunteers from the number of students. Students, under the guidance of experienced teachers will work with real companies. Through participation in the program students will be able to expand your network of business contacts. The project begins its work in the 2018-2019 school year, and now the University is looking for willing to help with its organization. If you plan to enroll in Aston in this year, it could be you!

Cooperation with "The Prince's Trust"

"The Prince's Trust" — this is a charity that helps young people to find work and to get an education. One of the activities of the Fund is to support the young entrepreneurs.
Aston University launches the program of cooperation with "The Prince's Trust", which University will advise young entrepreneurs on how to the creation and development of own business. It is expected that the volunteer work with the Fund will engage both teachers and students. The program not only will help to develop the economy of the region and will allow students to get acquainted with the different stages of existence of the enterprise.


You — a budding entrepreneur? Or just planning to create your own business? The students of the University of Aston, planning to start their own business lucky — the University provides them access to the BSEEN (Birmingham network entrepreneurial skills and assistance in employment). Master-classes, supervision, office space, assistance in obtaining grants — all it is available exclusively to students of the member universities. And Aston University is one of them! Enrolling at Aston, you will receive valuable support in implementing their ideas and creating a successful business.

Festival pitches "Pitchfest"

Aston University invites aspiring entrepreneurs to take part in the competition to pitch to "Pitchfest". During the event, participants will present their ideas in front of potential investors can obtain real financing. In the past year 90 teams of young businessmen received investments totaling 1 750 000 pounds.

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