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The Cost of Study in the UK

The following are examples of the cost of education in England, Scotland and other countries of the UK for bachelor, master's degree, PhD, MBA.

The average cost of undegraduate programme at the University is 14000-20000 £

The average cost of graduate programme in England, Scotland is 13200-37000 £

The cost of some programmes may depend on the specialization of the University and specific programmes. Please note that the majority of the British graduate programmes lasts one year. However, the MPhil or MEng in Britain can last 2 years.

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Read about the cost of studying in England


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Useful, about the cost of studying in England

Useful notes about the cost of study in England

As a rule, the higher ranking position of the University, the higher the cost of education at this University. This does not mean that only the "top" universities will be able to offer you high quality education. Many universities in the UK, specializing in certain subject areas, do not occupy the high line in the overall rankings but offer great programs, which cost less than the cost of the programs, for example, at Oxford or Cambridge. Also, the cost of study in London, generally higher than the cost of study at other English universities, being still highly ranked, but located outside of the capital of Britain.

British universities independently establish the cost of training for two types of students: for students from the UK and member countries of the European Union - “home fee” and “overseas fee” for foreign students (all other countries).  

The Cost of Study in the UK (Undergraduate Programme)

All undergraduate programmes (bachelor's degree) have a duration of three years, to calculate the full cost of the education programme, one should multiply the tution fee by three. The higher ranking position of the University, the higher the cost of study. In the examples above, cost of study in Oxford and LSE is particularly high.

The Cost of Study in England and Scotland

The cost of undergraduate programmes in the UK depends, in particular, on the duration of these programs. Duration of bachelor programmes in the UK depends on what part of the country you choose to study. The cost of study in England than lower than the cost of study in Scotland, because most of the undergraduate programmes at English universities lasts 3 years, and undergraduate programs in Scotland are, as a rule, not less than 4 years.

The Cost of Study Depending on the Course

The duration of the programme and, consequently, its cost will depend on your chosen subject area. Duration of most programmes of undergraduate programmes in England is 3 years. However, there are exceptions. For example, the first higher medical education can last for 4, 5 or even 6 years, including preclinical education, clinical practice and theoretical courses. Language programs last 4 years, usually involving a compulsory year abroad in the country whose language the student studies. Also, many engineering programs last 4 or 5 years. The longer the duration, the higher total price of education.

The Cost of Living in the UK

You must add cost of living to the price of study. According to experts, for the academic year you will need about £10,000 pounds per 9 months of residence in the UK (however, domestic student, perhaps, can live on a smaller amount, if necessary; in addition, the study does not exclude the possibility to earn a little).

The Duration of Graduate Programmes in England

The master's programmes in the UK normally last one year. Certain programs (e.g. language) sometimes take two years. Some research graduate programs could last two years. After graduation of such programmes the student receives the degree of "master of philosophy" (MPhil).

The Cost of Study at the Universities of London

London is the educational capital of not only the UK but throughout the world, where there are more than 200 universities. At the universities of London there is the same trend as in other universities in the UK: the higher the position of the University in the ranking is, the better the education in this University is. The cost of many programs at the top universities of London (such as Imperial, LSE and UCL) often exceeds the cost of higher education at such universities as Oxford and Cambridge. The London universities, occupying a middle position ratings also offer more expensive programmes than other universities of Britain, which are at the same or higher positions rankings of world universities: for example, the cost of the programmes at University of Brunel (London) (49-th position of The CUG 2017) exceeds the cost of similar programmess at the University of Essex (34th position) £1,000-£2,000.

Is there Free Education at London Universities?

Free education at London universities is impossible, because UK universities don't offer funded places to students. Most foreign students receiving higher education in the UK, pays for their entire education. English students and students from EU countries often receive subsidies from the state for education, allowing universities to offer discounts on training for, respectively, British students and students from EU countries. For example, the cost of one-year MBA program at the University of Roehampton for students from countries outside the EU will be £15,000, and for students from the UK and the Baltic countries - members of EU will be £12,890.

Some universities provide scholarships to students and / or cover all or part of the payments for the studies. For the master's programs more scholarships than for the first higher (undergraduate) education.

Below You can find the Cost of Study in the UK.

  • Master of international relations, political science: the cost in Britain: 15000-37000
  • Master of management, management, business: the price of training in Britain: £ 16000 - 27000
  • Bachelor of business and management: the price of studying in the UK: £ 13500 - 21500
  • Master of Economics: the cost of the second higher education in the UK: £ 13200 - 26500
  • Bachelor of Economics: the cost to the UK: £ 13500 - 20500
  • Master of law: the cost of studying in the UK: £ 14000-25200
  • Bachelor of law: the price of studying in the UK: £ 13200-19650
  • Bachelor of arts, international relations, political science: the cost in Britain: £ 13200-23100
  • Master of art and design: the cost of training in the UK: £ 12000-22350
  • Bachelor of art and design: the cost of training in the UK: £ 11500-25400
  • Bachelor of mathematics and computer science: cost in Britain: £ 13350-24300
  • Master of mathematics and computer science: price to UK: £ 14600-20550
  • Master of engineering: the prices for study in UK: £ 10900-29000
  • Engineering: the cost of undergraduate programs in the UK: £ 17000-30500
  • Master of biology: the cost of studying in the UK: £ 15200-30600
  • Bachelor of biology: the cost to the UK: £ 14750-30500

The Cost of Study at London Universities

London – the educational capital of not only the UK but throughout the world, where there are more than 200 universities. Below there are the prices responding to the question "How much is the tuition in London?".

The Cost of Study in London (Undegraduate Degree)

The average price of education at the London universities for the bachelor programme, undegraduate degree: 14000-20000 £

At the universities of London there is the same trend as in other universities in the UK: the higher the position of the University in the ranking is, the better the education in this University is. The cost of many programs at the top universities of London (such as ImperialLSE and UCL) often exceeds the cost of higher education at such universities as Oxford and Cambridge. The London universities, occupying a middle position ratings also offer more expensive programmes than other universities of Britain, which are at the same or higher positions rankings of world universities: for example, the cost of the programmes at University of Brunel (London) (49-th position of The CUG 2017) exceeds the cost of similar programmess at the University of Essex (34th position) £1,000-£2,000.

The Cost of Study in London (Master Degree)

The average price of education at the University of London for master's degree, graduate degree: 13200-37000 £

The dependence of the education cost in London from the ranking position of the University is the same as for other master programs in England: the higher the position of the London university in the ranking, the higher the cost of education. There are some deviations from this rule, for example: the price of tuition for some graduate programs the University of London Roehampton (located on 66th position in the ranking) below £400-£3,400 than a similar program in London University of Westminster (100th position); master degree at the University of reading (29-th position in the rating) will cost you £1,000-2,000 less than the study on a similar programme at Royal Holloway (34-position), and these universities have almost equal ranking.

Is there Free Education at London Universities?

Free education at London universities is impossible, because UK universities don't offer funded places to students. Most foreign students receiving higher education in the UK, pays for their entire education. English students and students from EU countries often receive subsidies from the state for education, allowing universities to offer discounts on training for, respectively, British students and students from EU countries. For example, the cost of one-year MBA program at the University of Roehampton for students from countries outside the EU will be £15,000, and for students from the UK and the Baltic countries - members of EU will be £12,890.

Some universities provide scholarships to students and / or cover all or part of the payments for the studies. For the master's programs more scholarships than for the first higher (undergraduate) education.