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How to choose a profession at the University of British

  • 13475
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One of the important goals of education abroad - finding a profession that will satisfy career ambitions of the student, will generate the desired income and thus will become a favorite.

The choice of the future profession is a vast subject. Below we have presented the sequence of actions that will allow you to significantly increase the chance of getting a profession that will make your career successful you and professionally happy.

STEP 1: Identify your personal qualities and preferences

You don't become a financial analyst if you do not like math or public relations, if you find it easier to “communicate” with a computer than with people.

Identify 2-5 skills that in your opinion best suited for you.

Below are services that will help You to make Your professional choice:

  • www.proforientator.ru
    Guidance center at the faculty of psychology of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov.
  • www.smart-course.ru
    Short courses that help people 13-17 years to find a vocation and to choose the profession.
  • www.nayti-sebya.ru
    psychologist Elmira Davydova helps people of all ages to find themselves in the world of human Affairs.

STEP 2: Relate your personal preferences with market trends

Defining the specialties that fit you, look at the reports, telling about what the profession demanded by the market now and will be needed 3, 5, and 10 years in your country and abroad. And then find it in the list of popular professions are those that will fit you.

Watch the video of Yana Drapkina-Wahaaa about what professions will be in demand in Russia and in the world with coming years.

STEP 3: Find the right program

The search programs of universities in the UK will help you to sort programs in your subject area.

And search of programs on the subjects will give access to the list of all subjects taught in UK universities.

Ask clarifying questions to the representatives of universities on the pages of British universities. The University staff will be glad to answer your questions and help you with the selection.

STEP 4: Find out what you do and how much graduates earn

Statistics on how industries, companies and what positions are graduates of British universities is collected annually and available to students.

Identifying programs that interest you in your chosen profession, ask for important information from professors on the pages of these programs in Russian or English.

STEP 5: Find out how professionals will make it easier to work in the UK

To stay and work after studying in the UK more difficult than in many other countries, but it is possible. The Ministry of internal Affairs of great Britain publishes a list of professions and lack of specialists in the country.
List here

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