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Northeastern Empower success stories of students
Northeastern Empower success stories of students
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Northeastern Empower success stories of students

The Empower campaign, Northeastern University operates since 1898, over this long period she, with the support of the University community has prepared thousands of graduates for successful research activities, the development of global science, which allows to solve the most serious problems of humanity - in medicine, education and ecology. Thanks to this campaign, northeastern University has consolidated its position among the best universities in the world.

See a short video about the campaign Empower:

Some alumni have shared their stories about how the University allowed them to succeed, to change his life completely and even make a contribution to the development of the world community:

"Professor Adaza gave me full use of the opportunities for global experiential education and helped me become who I am now: a budding entrepreneur, researcher, uses any opportunities in my way". - Cory Bolotsky `15

"I was senior Vice President for human resources with a successful career. One day I looked at my husband and said, "I'm going to start my own business and again to get an education!"" - Pamela Vodnik `10

"At the age of 37, I was a mother with three children after the divorce. A few years later I became a doctor of jurisprudence, passed the bar and started her own practice. What makes me go on is the incredible path that I took in University, who I was and who I've become." - Cheryl McCormick `09

"Combining work and study difficult, but it taught me to live like an adult. And callerorigintoken the atmosphere at the University changed me and made more Mature and responsible" - the Montris Scott `15

"I've never been on a plane before he flew to Boston for a job interview to win the scholarship. Now, thanks to social and academic support professors of Northeastern University, I earned a degree in political science and international relations, traveling the world for his research, and most importantly, realized its ambitions. "- Nohemi Moctezuma `15

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