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Bachelor degree in USA

Bachelor is the first higher education in the United States

The level name in English: undergaduate

The first stage of higher education in the United States with a bachelor's degree. Bachelor programs taught in colleges of higher education, which can be independent educational institutions, and enter into the structure of the University. What is the difference between University and College in the US - see here.

Bachelor degree programs typically last 4 years, some majors – 5 years. To obtain a bachelor's degree, you need to get a certain number of transcripts of academic hours or credits, each of which approximates one hour of classroom teaching. Credit hours are a kind of "currency" in American and European higher education, it is calculated the cost of the training program are assigned to a degree, the evaluation of the applicant for admission, when transferring from one University to another, etc. read more about it here.

About how to apply for bachelor degree in USA, read here.


Opinion about studying at Northeastern University and lives in Boston

Opinion about studying at Northeastern University and lives in Boston

Ekaterina from Kiev, told about the study at a prestigious Northeastern University and lives in the United States


Instruction: how to calculate the price of education is through the online calculator on the websites of American universities

Instruction: how to calculate the price of education is through the online calculator on the websites of American universities

Let's consider how to calculate the cost of the program through the online calculator on the example of one of the universities in the USA.


How to find out the cost of studying at us universities

How to find out the cost of studying at us universities

On the websites of American universities is difficult to find information about programs cost - especially if the University is large, and ...


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Programs of USA universities for the most motivated

In the United States, as in many European countries, are gaining more popularity combined programs, the absolute advantage which is saving ...


Degree U.S. bachelor's degree

Degree U.S. bachelor's degree

In the USA there are several types of bachelor degrees


SAT or ACT: which test to take for admission

SAT or ACT: which test to take for admission

Common reasons for choosing a particular test might be the following:


UCA - application system in a prestigious US universities

UCA - application system in a prestigious US universities

Among working with UCA universities are the most famous and prestigious universities, but applicants should carefully consider your choice ...


The ACT assessment for admission to bachelor in the universities of USA and Canada

The ACT assessment for admission to bachelor in the universities of USA and Canada

ACT about the test for admission to US universities: content, duration, cost, how to apply for the test.


SAT test for admission to bachelor in USA and Canada

SAT test for admission to bachelor in USA and Canada

On an SAT test for admission to US universities: content, duration, cost, how to apply for the test.


How to submit an online application for a bachelor's in the U.S.

How to submit an online application for a bachelor's in the U.S.

There are currently 2 main systems of online submission of documents to the universities. Many students do not know which one to choose.

Переезд в США через Образование | Как остаться в США для работы после учебы | Стажировки в США

How studying in the USA

Typically, to obtain a bachelor's degree in an American University, you need to dial 120-180 "credit hours". The requirement for the number of credit hours varies from institution to institution and based n

  • existing student the number of verified credits;
  • own the academic standards of the University;
  • Lee divided the academic year in some universities on semesters or trimesters.

Students of American undergraduate during the first two years studying General subjects, as determined by the faculty and the specialization should only by the third year. As a rule, students choose one major area of specialization - major and the second additional - minor. Some of the combined programs a student can study a dual major, receiving at graduation, in fact, two of higher education.

In addition, there are many combined programs of other types, allowing to significantly reduce the cost of training and to expand the number of subjects studied. Read more about this in the article "Programme of US universities for the most motivated".

About scholarships USA universities and opportunities to study in USA for free here.

How to act in America after the 11th grade

Applicants from Russia and CIS countries can apply for bachelor degree in America after the 11th grade of the school - an additional year of training is required. For admission to the first University in America must pass standardized tests SAT or ACT, TOEFL or IELTS. Read more about how to apply for bachelor degree in USA , please click here.