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Professionally-oriented graduate programs UK

Professionally-oriented doctoral programs (Professional Doctorates) are a kind of educational and research programs, but they focused not so much on the development of skills of research work and conducting independent research, how much for vocational training and the development of a student associated with a particular profession.

Professionally-oriented doctoral programs can also operate on the type of integrated programs and to provide an intermediate master's degree in the case of successful completion of the first phase of training.

Teaching methods and evaluation system

Training modules include theoretical courses, modern approaches to research methodology and professional practice. The main focus in research is on applied research that contributes to the development of the student's choice of professional field.

Interim grades are for the academic modules, the examinations and the results of practice.

Conferred the degree of professional doctorate

Professionally-oriented doctoral programs usually lead to doctoral degrees in certain Sciences, for example, DEd, DEng, DBA, DClinPsych, etc.

The main difference of the program the doctor of education (DEd) Doctor of philosophy in education (PhD in Education) is that the first program allows you to cover a wider range of subjects related to education, and to focus on one research problem at the end of training.

The degree of Doctor of business administration (Doctor of Business Administration, DBA) is a research degree. Such programs are aimed at the development of the theory and practice of business administration and management.

Other types of graduate (doctoral) degrees

Detailed guide: graduate school in the UK

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