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Levels and degrees of the educational system in the UK

Most education programmes in the UK can be divided into levels corresponding to the Russian levels of education. The British education system includes three levels:

School education | Vocational education and training in College | Higher education

The levels and programs of higher education in the UK

Higher education in the UK, in turn, can be divided into three main levels:

Bachelor degree | Master degree | Graduate | distance education

To go to University straight after school, having the British certificate of secondary education GSCEor his Russian equivalent of a Certificate of complete secondary education, it is impossible without additional training. There are the following types of training for entry into British universities:

A-level | Foundation | IB (International Baccalaureate) | Language training

Degree of higher education in the UK

Degrees in UK are awarded only upon completion of the program of higher education at any level. In Britain at every level of education there are two large groups of degrees — General and professional, which, in turn, are divided into several types.

List of higher education degrees with titles in English and transcript in Russian:

Bachelor's degree (BA, BSc and others) | Master's degree (MA, MSc, LLM, etc.) | Types of doctoral degrees (PhD, DPhill, and others)

Important! The education system of Scotland has a number of significant features compared to England and other parts of the United Kingdom — Wales, Northern Ireland.

About the history of British universities , click here.


Table with a breakdown of the degrees master's of education in UK

Table with a breakdown of the degrees master's of education in UK

What is LLM, MSc and MEng? What are the academic degree of graduate in CIS countries comply with British?


Table with a breakdown of the first degrees in higher education in the UK

Table with a breakdown of the first degrees in higher education in the UK

What is LLB, BSc and BEng? What academic degree in CIS countries comply with British?


Of the correlation of the estimates of Russian and British diplomas

Of the correlation of the estimates of Russian and British diplomas

Assessing the compliance of Your academic entry requirements for the British University, it is important to pay attention to the following ...


How is the quality of British education

How is the quality of British education

By law, British institutions of higher education are responsible for compliance with academic standards and the quality of education, regar...


Honours: a degree British bachelor

Honours: a degree British bachelor

The system of evaluation and distinction on undergraduate programmes at British universities.


Types of graduate degrees

Types of graduate degrees

Traditional research programmes (PhD, DPhil), a program that combines research activities with training and practice (New Route PhD)

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1. School education in UK

Primary education in great Britain, Primary Education begins at 5 years, although many British students already in 3-4 years, go to the program of preparation for school. Primary education lasts six years, then, at the age of 11, pupils go to secondary school. Secondary education (Secondary education) in the UK lasts for five 5 years and is compulsory for students aged from 11 to 16 years. Most of the subjects studied in an English school, is required.

Graduates of British schools receive a General Certificate of Secondary Education, abbreviated as GCSE - General certificate of secondary education. According to the law of Britain, high school graduates can start working, enroll in a vocational College or a training program at the University.

Educational institutions - schools

Below are the types of schools offering compulsory education.

1.Primary educationJunior schools, Preparatory schools
2.Secondary educationSecondary schools, Tutorial colleges

The correlation with the Russian system of school education

As in Russia, in the UK 11-year school education is compulsory for children5 - 16 years. It consists of two stages: primary and secondary education, or Primary and Secondary Education.

Russian Certificate of secondary education - the British counterpart of the certificate of complete secondary education GSCE. Both of these documents do not give the right to enroll in the program of the first higher education in the UK. To enroll in a British University, you must complete the training program in the University A-levels or Foundation.

2. University pathway programs in the UK and professional education

For admission to the program follow-up, education, a British certificate of secondary education GSCE or equivalent - for example, the Russian Certificate of complete secondary education.

In the UK there are 2 types of training programmes in the University: A-levels and Foundation.

Training programmes in the University A-levels

At the end of high school and British students and foreigners who are planning the degree program, undergo a two-year program of preparation for University - A-levels. The availability of programs And levels are distinguished by the British education system from the Russian one.

For A-levels the student chooses the subjects to study based on the requirements of the University, in which he plans to do. After studying A-levels the student takes exams on the studied 3-4 subjects. These exams are entrance exams to the University.

British colleges offering A-levels, called "sixth-form" colleges of the 6th year, after 5 mandatory years of British secondary education.

Program preparation for admission to the University International Foundation

Foundation program for international students allows students from Russia and CIS to complement their secondary education and prepare for admission to a British University on the programs of the first higher just for one academic year. Sample program Foundation training in the University for foreign students of the University of Greenwich.

Vocational education in the UK

Professional program in the UK provide technical skills and experience needed for employment. Students can combine study and work. Many professional programs allow you to enroll in a British University on the first or second year of a higher education.

Educational institutions

Below are the types of UK institutions offering further education:

No.The programSchool
1.A-levelsSixth-form level at schools, Sixth-form colleges, Colleges of further education.
2.Foundation - training programmes in the UniversityColleges of Further education, Colleges of Further and Higher education, Specialist colleges, Universities.
3.Professional qualificationsColleges of Further education, Colleges of Further and Higher education, Specialist colleges.

A full list of universities UK

The correlation with the Russian system of professional education

British further education compared with vocational education in technical schools and colleges of the CIS countries. The concept of "further" education includes all types of training after school in addition to higher education - professional programs and programs of preparation for admission to universities. English British further education called Further Education.

3. Higher education in the UK

Higher education in the UK called Higher Education and consists of 3 levels. Levels of higher education of Britain, mostly equivalent to the Russian higher educational levels – undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate.

Level 1: Bachelor is the first higher education in Britain

In the UK the first higher education called the undergraduate. If in Russia and in Kazakhstan, this level of training was officially introduced only in the 1990s, and a two-tier system of higher education – bachelor degree + master's degree was adopted in 2002, in British universities, such a system exists for several centuries.

Unlike Russia, the training period for most British programs bachelor degrees – 3 years. This is due to the fact that basic knowledge obtained in Russia in the first or second year of high school, get students of UK universities in colleges for A-levels or on the program Foundation.

Degree of bachelor in the UK

Among the most common degrees:

AbbreviationTranscript in EnglishThe name in RussianSample program
BABachelor of ArtsBachelor of artsBA Business Studies
BA (Hons)Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of arts 
BAccBachelor of AccountancyBachelor of accountancyInternational BAcc Accountancy
BArchBachelor of ArchitectureBachelor of architectureBArch Architecture
BEngBachelor of EngineeringBachelor of engineeringBEng Mechatronic Engineering
BScBachelor of ScienceBachelor of scienceBSc Business and Management Studies with Professional Palcement
BSc (Econ)Bachelor of Science (Economics)Bachelor of science (Economics)BSc (Econ) Accounting and Management

Educational institutions - bachelor

Below are the types of UK institutions offering programmes of a higher education.

No.School in RussianSchool English
1.Universities state
Example: University of Sussex - 21 position in the ranking
State University
2.Universities privatePrivate University
3.Colleges of the stateState college of further and higher education
4.Colleges privatePrivate college of further and higher education

Level 2: Master - master UK

In British universities masters and all programs of higher education after the first highest, are called postgraduate. This level is equivalent to the master level in Russia and other CIS countries.

The duration of most master's programmes – 1 year, the shorter of two years ' training in the Russian master's degree; studies in a British master's intensive and demanding.

The master's program can be divided into two groups:

  • the curriculum (Taught programmes);
  • programs focused on research activities (Research programmes).

With a diploma of bachelor or specialist, issued by the Russian University or other CIS country can apply for master's programmes at British universities.

The extent of the British judiciary

AbbreviationTranscript in EnglishThe name in Russian
MAMaster of ArtsMaster of arts
MA (Hons)Master of ArtsMaster of arts
MBAMaster of Business AdministrationMaster of business administration
MCompMaster of Computer ScienceMaster of computer Sciences
MEngMaster of EngineeringMaster of engineering
LLMMaster of LawMaster of law
MScMaster of ScienceMaster of science
Example: MSc International Accounting and Corporate Governance

Level 3: PhD - fellowship in the UK

Postgraduate study in the UK, as well as the master's degree is a postgraduate level (postgraduate). On the web sites of universities, these programs are often designated as "Research programmes" or "PhD programmes". PhD programs in British universities, in fact, the Russian equivalent to Ph. D. programs. However, in terms of requirements and quality research work, these programs tend, rather, to the Russian doctoral studies.

In the UK most programmes leading to PhD are research projects involving visiting of lectures and training seminars in the beginning of the program. The supervisor, in the laboratory or in the Department which the student is preparing the thesis, identifies for the student the topic of research and provides the necessary resources for research.

Usually at the end of the research programme takes about 3-4 years. By the end of this period, the student must publish the results and write a dissertation on published materials.

What kind of education do I need for admission in a British graduate school

For admission to the PhD program required a master's diploma in Russian, British or other foreign University. Diploma issued by the Russian universities in Britain first recognized diploma of higher education, and in most cases, the diploma will not be sufficient for admission to graduate school.

The extent of the British postgraduate

The degree of doctor of philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, is assigned to the student upon successful defense of the dissertation.

Also graduate and post graduate programs can lead to doctoral degrees in specific Sciences - for example: the doctor of education (Doctor of Education, EdD) or Doctor of business administration (Doctor of Business Administration, DBA).

The main difference of the program Doctor of education Doctor of philosophy in education (PhD in Education) is that the first program allows you to cover a wider range of subjects related to education, and to focus on one research problem at the end of training.

The degree of DBA also is a research degree. Such programs are aimed at the development of the theory and practice of business administration and management.

Educational institutions PhD program

With the rare exception of the PhD program and other research programs are offered in major multi-disciplinary universities with highly qualified scientific and teaching staff, extensive research base and significant research budgets. About how to attend graduate school in the UK, read here.

Based on the materials Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), OECD Thematic Review of Tertiary Education – Country Background Report: UK The European Educational Directory.