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What to do in the British master's diploma, which a lot of "threes"?

Most master's programmes in UK universities requires students from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries to the average score of the diploma of completion of a previous degree of study (bachelor or specialist) was "4" (out of five) and above.

But what if the diploma a lot of "3" (three) and average grade is below "4"?

We have the following ways to enter a British University with the lowest average score of the diploma:

To enroll in the preparatory program Pre-Masters

Training programmes in the University Pre-Masters – are not required for admission to British master's degree for students who have completed the programme a first higher education at Home. However, if:

  • diploma student of the first higher education - many "triples" and/ or
  • the level of English of the student – below the entry level master's degree programs,
  • there is an additional budget of £10000, including accommodation,
  • have the opportunity to spend additionally to study from 3 months to a year

the program Pre-Masters can be a useful solution and will help to receive the coveted master's degree in the UK, despite the low average score of the diploma about the first higher education.

Programme Pre-Masters universities in the UK

To enter the University with lower entrance requirements

For most universities in the UK the rule applies: the lower the rating the position of the British University, the lower level entrance requirements.

The majority of universities in Britain, which is roughly below the 50 th position in the rating of universities of Britain, would not require the average score of the diploma of the applicant from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries at the level of "4" and above from 5 (or similar level to other systems of knowledge assessment).

If the applicant will make a compelling package of documents for admission, most of the universities in UK, located below the 50-position rankings, will take him to the mA program with an average grade lower than "4". Especially if most of the "3" in the diploma is on items that have little value for graduate programs than the objects which are "4-key and 5-key".

To experience that compensates for lack of academic progress

If the diploma about the first higher education - a lot of "threes", then getting experience in the specialty of direct relevance to the programme of the British judiciary, which plans to enroll the applicant, may compensate for low performance on the ground of higher education.

There are many examples of receipts of students who received the "Troika" on the first higher education, but having a strong professional resume (CV), in the leading universities of the UK. Despite the poor academic results, the applicant can impress the jury with the depth of their professional experience or level of professional responsibility that must be demonstrated through CV, motivation letter and recommendation letters as part of a package of documents for admission.

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