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Undergraduate student of the University of Kent about the program, internship and volunteering
Undergraduate student of the University of Kent about the program, internship and volunteering
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Undergraduate student of the University of Kent about the program, internship and volunteering

Some time ago she has already shared with us his experience of enrolling in the University of Kent. Now we have decided to talk with Zilya, to ask her a few questions and learn more about her life in the UK.

EI: You started your training in the UK, like most foreign students, with a preparatory Foundation program. When we interviewed you, you studied in the first year of the bachelor program Computer Science. You can talk about my impressions of the program and the University? I do not regret that chose University of Kent?

Hello. My opinion has not changed – the Computer Science program is well organized and helps to get the basic skills for future work. At the moment I can say that the material covered helps me in my work. Although now I really miss Canterbury and Kent... I had to move to another place to practice, as it immediately became clear that the stop at the University of Kent is very suitable for school and daily life. Although London has its advantages.

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EI: Your program includes a year of internship, right? You already passed it, or it is up there?

I'm in practice now. My year in industry lasts for exactly 1 year during which I work a 9-5 in Finance company in London. A very rewarding experience, I recommend prospective students to choose programmes with a year in industry, if you have the chance. This is an opportunity to obtain real work experience, seniority, respect, and understanding of their capabilities in a particular industry. And also earn. But to look for work and go to interviews will have, the University will only provide support with resume writing and provide a list of potential companies conducting such programs.

EI: How do you spend your free time? If you joined in the student community? Whether you are looking for a part-time job? Please tell us about the participation in Academic Peer Mentors – what is it?

Academic Peer Mentors – is a voluntary scheme of assistance to international students. Responsibilities include assistance in finding training materials, a little tutoring, General tips about living abroad.

I was in a community of tea lovers. Free time spent with friends or doing volunteer work.

EI: You said on your program learning mostly British and you can easily find them language. Many of our students struggling to make friends with the British. Whatever advice you gave them?

Views on friendship and fellowship, we are different, but to find a common language. The main advice – do not try to match against yourself and be an easy person to lift. It is possible that the people around you at the moment, just not "your people" that is too different from you ideology and interest. One option is to find someone more suitable for you – join the club.

EI: In the first year you lived in a student dormitory on the campus of the University of Kent. Did you stay on campus or move to an apartment?

Yes, in the first year I was in the hostel. I would say this is perfect for the first year. Then you can navigate. Sophomore year I lived in the city. With regard to the selection criteria – distance (better hostel), entertainment (in cafes etc), grocery stores (city – depends on the place, the campus maximum of 10 minutes walk, there are 2 shops, a book), the neighbors (in the city you can choose, and the campus is impossible – though still your own room), price (to live alone in the city profitable, you have neighbors). Suggest to consider variants with different points of view, the choice of the individual.

EI: In your years of study and life in the UK, what challenges have you faced?

This is mainly visa restrictions (matter if you want to earn some money) and changing immigration rules. Also, of course, it is hard to switch. After 4 years in UK, and Russia. If you do not want to forget their native language, often advised to speak and read... It's like learning a new language, sometimes, but he is your mother. May sound strange, but it is reality, which (unexpectedly) face when they begin to find the words on your native language with difficulty.

EI: Zilya, if not secret, what are your plans for the future?

I plan to continue training at the graduate level.

EI: the Most motivating event that happened to you during the study?

A cash prize for 1st place in the ranking of the estimated Foundation.

EI: Thank you very much for this interview! What advice would you give for our readers?

British education has a very high quality standard, so you'll have to work hard but it's worth it. Program at the University of Kent Computer Science is very well balanced: all the basic practical knowledge in different areas and it helped, although I'm still not even completed his education. And about life abroad in General I think it is important not to lose sight of your goals and priorities. There will always be difficulties, large and small (both in General and in any country, for Russia is also true), and most importantly just believe in yourself.

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