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10 reasons to enroll at the University of East Anglia
10 reasons to enroll at the University of East Anglia
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10 reasons to enroll at the University of East Anglia

In order to enroll in the University of East Anglia, there are a variety of reasons. Read our list of 10 strengths of the popular British University, which, in our opinion, make it one of the best choices for foreign students.

1. High position in rankings and the quality of research

University of East Anglia is included in the list of the best universities in the world and in the top 20 higher education institutions in the UK: 12 position in the Complete University Guide 2018 and 18-th position in the Guardian University Guide 2018. The number of subjects at the University of East Anglia are among the ten best in the country. >> Learn more about the ranking position UEA

>> View all programs UEA

2. Beautiful campus in nature

From campus in a matter of minutes you can reach the city center with shops, nightlife and theatres. Close to campus every day, you will visit a musical and cultural events and the opportunity to join one of the many student organizations.

3. Historical and dynamic Norwich

University of East Anglia is located in Norwich, East of England, just two hours drive from London. In Norwich there are eight theatres, five museums, four cinemas, two cathedrals, four concert halls, the award-winning Millennium Library (Millennium Library) and the historic castle. In the city you never get bored - there are restaurants and pubs, discos, festivals, musical and cultural events.

4. Unforgettable student life

The Union of UEA students is one of the most active student unions in the country, including more than 200 communities. If you want to try a new sport, to dance, to learn a foreign language, you can always find and learn something new. >> Read more about student life

5. The opportunity to hear a favorite band at one of the best concert venues

At the University of East Anglia, you can not only learn and lead an active student life, but do not miss the chance to attend the concert of your favorite band. On the concert platform in the LCR quite often perform well-known musicians, among them U2, The Manic Street Preachers, Kasabian, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Iron Maiden and Coldplay.

6. The largest University gallery in the UK

Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts is one of the largest national centers to study the art. This center also houses the School of Art History and World Art Studies University of East Anglia. Along with the permanent exhibitions, there are lectures, conferences and workshops. If you're interested in art, pay attention to the one-year graduate programs MA in Museum Studies and MA History of Art.

7. Huge opportunity for sports

On the UEA campus and there is also the impressive Sportspark , the largest indoor sports centre In Britain.. the complex includes fitness rooms, state of the art Olympic pool, fields, courts and equipment for gymnastics. Even if you are new to the sport, UEA, you will inspire sports!

8. Accommodation in comfortable hostels

Life in a hostel with people from all over the world - an integral part of the student experience. Most of the rooms in UEA - single, with private shower/bath and all amenities. All international students are guaranteed comfortable accommodation.

9. Generous scholarships and programs approved by the Global education and Bolashak

University of East Anglia approved scholarship programs Global education and Bolashak, which means that it is possible to get a grant to study at UEA! To apply for a grant, you can see the list of proposed areas of study.

>> Programs UEA approved by the Global education

>> Programs UEA approved by Bolashak

>> Read interview of the scholarship program

10. The low cost of training

Despite the high ranking of the University, the tuition is one of the lowest among top-rated universities in the UK.

>> View program and tuition costs

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