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10 reasons to go to University Loughborough
10 reasons to go to University Loughborough
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10 reasons to go to University Loughborough

Loughborough University is one of the top-rated universities in the UK, whose popularity among foreign students is growing from year to year. The reasons why should opt for Loughborough? Read the article and subscribe to Loughborough University in Vkontakte.

1. High positions in prestigious international rankings

Loughborough University annually holds a leading position in UK and international rankings of student satisfaction. The University is in the top ten of the United Kingdom and occupies the 6th position in the prestigious ranking of the 2018 Guardian University League Table.

>> View all programmes at Loughborough University


2. One of the best Schools of Business and Economics in the world

School of Business and Economics of Loughborough University is internationally recognised as one of the best. Only 1% of all business schools worldwide have triple accreditation — Association for the development of University business schools (AACSB), the European System of improvement of Quality (EQUIS) and the Association of MBA (AMBA). SBE is proud to support more than 400 partners, including Rolls-Royce and Ferrari. At School students have the opportunity to do an internship in companies like Microsoft, GSK and Toyota. >> Learn about scholarships and tuition

3. Loughborough University - the University sports world

If you are professionally engaged in the sport or want to try something new, then Loughborough University is for you. Here are serious about sports and sporting achievements of students. That is why the University received the title of "Most athletic University in the world" according to the rating of "QS World University Rankings 2017".

4. Best University in England for student satisfaction

Loughborough University is the only British University, won first place in the rating "the Best University in England for the level of student satisfaction" (Times Higher Education) six times in a row. That as not an indicator of student satisfaction suggests that it's a great University? Read an interview with Pauline about studying at Loughborough!

5. High chances of successful employment and career

Loughborough University is proud of its rate of employment of graduates. According to statistics, more than 96% of the graduates find jobs and start their careers within six months after graduation. This is facilitated by the career centres of the University, and connections with leading employers.

6. Is awesome equipment for sports

The title of the "Most sporting of the University for peace" is justified by the great opportunities for practicing different sports. If you are a professional athlete or even a beginner, gym, outdoor stadium, sports halls, all-weather pitches for Rugby, 50-meter pool, indoor and outdoor tennis courts, and much more at your disposal.

7. #LboroFamily - a big and friendly family

The cohesion of students at Loughborough University words can't describe - watch the video, you will certainly want to become part of the family!

8. Rich student life

The atmosphere on campus - one of the great benefits of Loughborough University. Student Union, which is controlled independently includes over one hundred clubs and a busy programme of events. Student life at Loughborough is not only events and University clubs, but also lecture halls, science laboratories, a large library, art center, two theaters and more. Therefore, each student can enjoy the rich cultural life of the campus.

9. Loughborough - dynamic and comfortable city

Loughborough is one of the largest towns in Leicestershire. The city has everything you need for a comfortable and busy life of students. In the city there are not only cinemas, cafes and restaurants, and tourist attractions. But the good location and developed transport infrastructure will allow easy access to other cities.

10. Low cost of living

Despite the fact that Loughborough is a large market town, the cost of living here is much lower than in other big cities of the UK.

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