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Fulbright program: grants for free studying in the United States
Fulbright program: grants for free studying in the United States
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Fulbright program: grants for free studying in the United States

In 1945, Senator William Fulbright, introduced in Congress a bill which provided for the development of international student exchange to strengthen ties between the two countries in education, culture and science. August 1, 1946 President Harry Truman signed the bill creating the Fulbright program.

For 70 years it passed through a 325 thousand students and scholars – 123 thousands of U.S. 202 and thousands from other countries. The program currently operates in 155 countries and annually provides 8 thousand grants.

The program is popular in Russia – more than 1,500 students, postgraduates and young scientists have received grants to study in the United States.

Who can apply for the grants?

Grants are allocated to graduates of Russian universities, including those in the final year, training in a magistracy of higher educational institutions of the USA. The period of stay in the United States varies from 1 year to 2 years depending on the chosen educational program.

Graduate students receive grants for conducting research activities at the American University and collect material for a dissertation. In this case, the grant is for 1 year.

What size of the grant under the Fulbright program?

The grant allows you to pay for the University education United States according to the program provides a monthly stipend, medical insurance and transport costs.

The Fulbright grants are provided for training in the following subject areas:

agriculture, American history, American literature, American Studies, anthropology, archaeology, architecture, art, art history, astronomy, biology, business administration, chemistry, communications, computer science, writing, dance, Economics, education,engineering, environmental Sciences, film theory, geography, journalism, Geology, world history, Information Sciences, foreign languages and literature, law, library science, linguistics, mathematics, medicine, music, philosophy, physics, political science, psychology, public administration, Public/Global Health, religious studies, social work, sociology, language teaching/ applied linguistics, theater, urban planning.

How to get a grant?

For getting the Fulbright scholarship you must submit an application for participation in the competition, which takes place in three rounds. The annual date for the receipt of applications is may 15. Accepting applications for a grant to study at U.S. universities in the 2017/18 year is over.

Contest participants must meet the following requirements:

  • To be citizens of the Russian Federation and reside permanently in the country
  • Have a diploma of higher education: specialist, bachelor or master's degree (final year students present a certificate of the University),
  • Fluency in English at the level of the Internet Based TOEFL 80 points (100 points for a number of specialties),
  • To be younger than 30 years.

Read more about how to enroll in US universities.