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The choice of College at Oxford

Oxford students studying for the master's degree programs and other programs of postgraduate education, are members not only of the corresponding faculty, but also a certain College, Oxford University.

Only Oxford's 38 colleges, 7 of which only accept students graduate programs: graduate (Master) and postgraduate (PhD).

Colleges represent an interdisciplinary community of professors, students and University administration and serves students residing in these colleges, resources such as libraries, electronic resources, organization of a large number of sporting and social events, and more.

Middle Common Room of the College is a shared physical space, and organization responsible for various social activities and student counseling. The coach of each College helps students in their studies. A fairly small number of members of the College allows us to make this type of support is almost personal. Also each student is assigned an Advisor from the academic College structure.

Colleges vary in location, living conditions, organization of life of students, opportunities for financial support and the cost of living. Choosing a College should pay attention to following its characteristics:

  • Capabilities and resources (academic, organizational, social),
  • Accommodation and food
  • Possible financial support for students
  • Location
  • Reception conditions (whether in College students of postgraduate programmes, some faculties).

At the time of admission to Oxford , You can specify the College you want to do more than just (first choice college), and second, "fall back" option (second choice college). If the candidate does not pass in these colleges, the University sends the application to postoenie in Oxford colleges, where space is available. After confirmation of Your seat in College, You will not be able to choose another College.

>> The order and terms of consideration of applications for admission to Oxford

<< The procedure of registration of documents in Oxford

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