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Tips on preparing for special tests

In preparation for testing it is important to consider:

- in Russia, assessment of knowledge and skills of the student tests to date, the phenomenon is more rare than oral and written examinations. It is therefore useful to familiarize yourself with the test structure, types of assignments, their assessment criteria and practice in performing the test in conditions as close to real;

a separate difficulty for Russian students can submit writing assignments as to the structure of texts, organization and methods of presenting information are very strict;

literacy, fluency vocabulary, special terminology, and the ability to correctly use grammatical structures of the language – one of the most important factors in the evaluation. The fact that English is not the candidate's native, not entitled to extra time during testing and does not affect ratings;

- special tests and examinations in subjects shall be appointed by the universities at their own discretion. A prospective student needs to go through them in a timely manner, even if the country of residence is no reception centres.