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What is IELTS ?

IELTS is the international testing system for English language. Was developed by three famous educational organizations. IELTS exam was created based on previous tests in the English language the best linguists and philologists of the world.
Initially, the IELTS test was specifically designed for foreign students of Australian Universities. But, over time, the test has gained global significance. IELTS certificate began to take not only educational centers, but also international companies and embassies. IELTS test have a clear structure, understandable to applicants from different countries. Thanks for the first five years, the number wishing has increased to 140,000 candidates per year.
Now the IELTS can be taken at test centres in 121 countries around the world. 7 000 companies, organizations and training centers trust the results of this test. This includes the best universities in the UK. It is not surprising, since the main developers of the IELTS exam are the experts of this country. And also the basis for the development of the IELTS test in the first place, was taken by the Cambridge ESOL exams.

Structure of the IELTS exam

The IELTS test has a convenient format, allowing you to check all the language skills of the candidate. The test consists of the following parts:

  • listening (listening)
  • reading (reading)
  • writing (writing)
  • spoken English (speaking)

For Academic module, which is required for admission to universities in the UK, in parts of Reading and Writing assignments differ from module General.

Part of the Academic Reading module has 3 parts, each of which represents a text from 650-1000 words taken from specialized Newspapers and magazines: scholarly articles.
The Writing part includes two tasks: task 1 (150 words) — report and analysis based on the description of a specialized graphics or graphic designs; task 2 (250 words) — an essay on themes from a variety of specialist fields: social, humanitarian, mathematical and other Sciences.

The advantages of IELTS

IELTS is divided into two modules: Academic and General, which take into account that the language environment in which the candidate gets after passing the test. Module General essential for living and working in English-speaking countries. The Academic module is designed specifically for those who are going to study in foreign Universities. And it is perfect for students of UK universities, as the most detailed checks special terms and the ability to speak on scientific topics. Also this module is in demand in organizations where the necessary specialized knowledge of the English language.The test developed by the most prestigious organizations. This University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL), British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia.
The IELTS test takes into account the target candidates using the possibility of putting the modules.The format of the IELTS test, the rules of delivery and registration the same for all test-cents world. They can hand it in any country.With format and rating system is familiar to many international Universities and companies around the world. Only test IELS has a 9 – point rating system, which is popular in the UK.
More than 150 universities in the UK require it to submit IELTS when applying to school.

Detailed information is available on the website www.ielts.su.

Article prepared by Valentina Lomakina.