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Global Institute of Women and Leadership at King's College London
 Global Institute of Women and Leadership at King's College London
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Global Institute of Women and Leadership at King's College London

King's College London opened the Global Institute of Women and Leadership (Global Institute for Women's Leadership). The facility will be headed by Julia Gillar, the only one in Australia's history a woman held the post of Prime Minister.

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The work of the Institute in the prestigious British King's College London began in April 2018. He will be engaged in scientific research as well as practical aspects and educational activities on the issues of the insufficient number of women leaders in all sectors and countries, as well as the negative impact of gender on growth.

Women face barriers at every stage of your career and still are a minority in politics and governance. Over the past 10 years, women held only 1% of senior management positions around the world. According to research, at the present rate will take place 216 years before the number of women in power and their wages compare with men.

The Institute will work in the following areas:

  • Research — mapping existing data and conducting new studies.
  • Dissemination of information — establishing contacts between professionals in the sector and representatives of authorities and enterprises.
  • Practice — training programs built on these studies.

A combination of research, policy and practice — creating an effective system, taking into account existing achievements.

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