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School of Hotel Management Oxford Brookes has entered the top three in the world
School of Hotel Management Oxford Brookes has entered the top three in the world
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School of Hotel Management Oxford Brookes has entered the top three in the world

This honorary title was awarded to the University during the awarding of the prestigious prize in the sphere of hotel business "Worldwide Hospitality Awards", which took place on 14 November 2016 in Paris. From the General list, which included 42 of the University, two of which are in the UK, only three reached the final of the Oxford School of Hotel Management, Hotel School the Hague and the Vatel group.

The founders of the prize were awarded to the following achievements of the Oxford School of Hotel Management Oxford Brookes University — fun and informative educational programs, additional after-school sessions for students to familiarize with the practical side of the profession, and to expand the circle of acquaintances and cultural competence.

A list of recent activities of the University in the framework of the additional programme includes a visit to a social enterprise in Kenya and a gastronomic trip to New Orleans, where students were accompanied by the famous chef Etam Ottolenghi and Jeremy Lee.

Another important contribution to the success of the school has become a growing number of scientific studiesconducted within its walls. Employees of the University regularly participate in research activities aimed at the promotion social responsibility of enterprises.

Implemented by the University programme curating "Bacchus" was also highlighted during the presentation "Worldwide Hospitality Awards", taking second place in the category "Best innovation in education".

Under this program, all students in their final year undergraduate and all graduate students receive individual support from one of more than 200 curators from leading industry professionals, many of whom are graduates of the Oxford School of Hotel Management is Management.

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