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A student from Moscow about the bachelor degree at Bath Spa University


Hi! Tell us a little about yourself. How is it that you were in England?

Hello. My name is Emma, I'm 22 years old and I am from Moscow. My family quite often travels around the world, so I'm used to dealing with people of different nationalities, and for me it is difficult to make a decision about studying abroad. Prior to his studies in England, I graduated from the first course in the specialty "hotel management" in one of the institutions of Switzerland. After traversing practice, I decided that I wanted to extend the range of their knowledge and therefore to change place of study. I also had a dream to study psychology, and, as it turned out, I was able to connect his interest in business and psychology into one, for example, to obtain a Joint Degree (a joint degree) in England. At that time I already had friends who studied in England, and from them I learned about the system of UCAS and the application procedure. Applied and received an invitation from several English universities.

In which year did you arrive in Bath Spa University? Was it your first choice University or have you served somewhere else? Why Bath Spa University? What attracted you to this University?

At bath Spa I did in 2012. In addition to the Bat I still applied, and several London universities. I think I did the right thing, did not go to London. I got in closer contact with my teachers due to the fact that my University has about 7,000 students compared to 20 or 30 thousands in London. Also, although my English was pretty good, I wanted to improve and did not want to reside in a Russian speaking environment, as it would be in London. My English level really improved significantly, including awareness of different accents, because in 95% of cases contact had with the British. As for the University, I really liked the campus, which is listed in the list of protected world heritage sites of UNESCO. While there, feel the unity with nature, which is pretty soothing, which is very useful during the learning process.

As you entered the University? Tell us about your experience.

As I said, first of all, I found out the details - what and how to do it, with friends, at the same time and asked them about the different universities. I chose the faculty and wrote a motivation letter. It definitely need to show sincere interest to study and explain why this profession you want to master. My friend read my letter, and together we modified it. Then I sent the application to the institutions and wait for a response. The final answer came in August, and then I began to collect documents for the visa through Agency. Well, after getting the visa, which by the way, I gave very quickly, literally within 2-3 days, I went on a weeks induction at my University.

If you are faced with any difficulties when entering University as a foreign student? If so, tell us about it in more detail.

It was not difficult to go to an English University because I have studied for 1 year in Switzerland, and it was my so called 12 year at school. (In English schools, unlike the Russian, the school is 12 years).
Usually universities offer a Foundation course before you will proceed directly to study an undergraduate program,. Some universities, where I also filed documents, asked me to pass it, because in order to deal with the psychology I had no scientific background (scientific foundations), but I did not waste 1 more year for preparation.

Does Bath Spa University scholarships for international students? Do you know of students that have received scholarships?

As far as I know, my University does not give scholarships to foreign students, but perhaps in the future will change for the better. But some programs, such as Bath Spa Global (Foundation course and 1st year can be completed in 1 year) the University provides a tuition discount for students from Russia and CIS countries.

What program are you studying? What are your impressions of the program? If you have a favorite subject, teacher?

I just finished a Joint program in business management and psychology. Impressions of a program is ambiguous, I do not particularly liked the psychology course, but the course of business were quite interesting. I think that a course on accounting was my favourite subject and also international business. About teachers, I can't say I have a favourite, but all those who taught me was a good and, in addition, if you need assistance in some matter, with all the fun helped. I think this is a big plus English system - teachers should be responsive to the requests of students.

Who studies with you at your program? A lot of foreigners, Russian-speaking students? Were you able to have close friends, and who they are – Russian-speaking foreigners, the British? With whom it is easier to find a common language?

We all have different items, so one of the students there. This is mainly British, around 90% of the students. There are foreign students from all over the world, there are about 500-700 people. I don't think it is hoped to have a close friend, an Englishman in the country tend to individualism, which is not peculiar to Russians, but there are exceptions. With a British General is not always easy to have a closer relationship than just “hi, you alright?”, as they form a “gang”, which is not so easy to break. It all depends on each person. I'm pretty easy to meet different people and I have many friends with whom I have a good or normal relationship, but closer friendships among the English I have, perhaps, only one person. Close friends I still have among foreign students.

What do you do in your free time at University? Are you in any student clubs? Tell us a little about it.

In my free time I work. I think it is very important to take this opportunity to develop and improve or learn new skills required for career growth. Especially if you want to gain a foothold in the international labour market, it is important to have work experience (practical experience). Besides, you can easily provide themselves with pocket money and even pay for accommodation and food, and the money parents spend on something more worthwhile. Not complete, of course, no get-togethers with friends and going to clubs. I was in the dance clubs and club surfing, as I'm not a big fan of dodgeball or netball. By the way, my love of volleyball, to my great regret,the British do not share. We have our own Rugby team, which is quite successful, but in General you can always organize your own club. Student Union (Student Union) to you always will help with that.

Tell us a little bit about the city of Bath. What are the pros and cons you see for yourself? Easy to find housing, jobs, convenient transportation, and rich if night life?

Bat is one of the most beautiful cities in England. Here comes a lot of the British themselves and tourists, especially on Saturdays, sometimes not overcrowded. Here lived the famous Jane Austen, the author of the novels “Pride and Prejudice” and “Emma”. Once a year here, the British are dressed in clothing of the time for the Jane Austin Festival and behave like in those days. The city centre itself is quite small, what I hear, pretty hard to get used to. I still often travel to Bristol or London to change the situation, but bade very safe and not to worry, that something bad will happen.

Housing is not hard to find, provided that you can pay for half a year in advance or if you have a guarantor from the UK. I first lived in a Dorm at the University, and at that time met in a course on salsa with a woman who just rented housing. And if you're not lucky, you can find on different sites, for example on Spareroom. I would also advise to look tidy and not noisy guys with whom you can rent a student house, as it will really ease your student life.

Tell us where you are working, in what capacity? Do you think your education at Bath Spa University helped you obtain this job?

A University education opens a lot of doors to get a good job. However, if no experience at all, it will be something difficult to find even with education. This will help voluntary work(work as a volunteer) . Now I work in the Seago Housing as the Accounts Clerk, but since I've already completed my training, now I can move on.

Thank you so much for this interview! What would you like to say in closing to our readers?

The prestige of education plays a role in how the rest of your career. However, focus on the training system and your own feel of the country and people. If possible, visit the University or the country in which you want to study. Find people who are enrolled in your University (this can be easily done via Facebook) and ask them in detail about their experiences. Consider everything carefully and make a decision. Good luck!

>> Program of the University of bath Spa

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