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Postgraduate study in the UK


Types of graduate degrees

Types of graduate degrees

Traditional research programmes (PhD, DPhil), a program that combines research activities with training and practice (New Route PhD)


Why the choice of post-graduate programs should be taken seriously?

Why the choice of post-graduate programs should be taken seriously?

Students planning admission to graduate programs, already have at least one higher education - and thus, a fairly deep acquaintance with th...


Postgraduate studies (PhD) in Europe: UK

Postgraduate studies (PhD) in Europe: UK

Being the first stage postgraduate education, postgraduate studies in Europe, in fact, equivalent to the Russian postgraduate programs; for...


How not to write PhD thesis

How not to write PhD thesis

In their guide to graduate work on a doctoral thesis Tara Brabazon (Tara Brabazon), Professor of the British University of Brighton, gives ...


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