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Admission to universities in Germany to 2017
Admission to universities in Germany to 2017
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Admission to universities in Germany to 2017

The educational system of different countries and their universities have their distinct features. This also applies to the admissions process. If you are considering enrolling in a German University in 2017, we advise you to pay attention to the following:

  1. The conditions of admission. The education system in Russia and other CIS countries are not fully correlated with the German, and not all diplomas and certificates are recognized. So, after finishing the 11th grade of school you can only apply for the preparatory Department of the German University. About types of higher education institutions in Germany , please click here.
  2. The filing deadlines. Universities are beginning to accept documents from entrants often before you get your hands on diploma or certificate. Many prestigious universities graduate admission to the master's degree in March 2017 for the semester beginning in October 2017. This means that the collection and preparation of documents there are not a lot of time!
  3. Documents and their design. The main documents required by German universities are diplomas and certificates, language certificates, CV and motivational letter. Additional entrance exams are rare. It is very important to translate and certify all the documents - otherwise the University will not accept them for consideration. How to calculate the average score of the diploma GPA for universities in Germany, read here.
  4. Filing of documents. Each University and faculty have their own application procedure. This can be online application, sending documents by mail to the University or to special service uni-assist in Berlin. Furthermore, some universities ask to send the documents to check their compliance, which can take a long time. Carefully read the terms of submission of documents, if you have any questions be sure to consult with the admissions office of the University or with a specialist in your country.
  5. The number of universities. Competition in German universities are often very high, the selection is mainly according to estimates. Therefore it is always better to err and to send documents to multiple schools to increase your chances of admission.
  6. Funding for accommodation and other expenses. Tuition at public universities in Germany is free, but to pay for accommodation, food, clothing and other expenses should the students themselves. According to the German authorities, all the expenses a student will be not less than 720 Euro per month, or 8640 per year - this amount you need to have a Bank account to receive a national student visa to Germany.

Material prepared Study-in-Germany - a company specializing in higher education in Germany.

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